Lab 4 - Finding my first Open Source bug
For this specific lab, I sort of got started before the lab was even issued. As a people's person, I wasn't intimidated by the fact that we needed to communicate with someone we didn't know in order to offer my help. The task in specific for this lab was to find a bug we were interested in to work over the next month as our first assignment. As such, looking at the suggestions list provided by our professor, Thimble seemed to have a couple of bugs that I could tackle. Our professor recommended we look using specific tags such as "good first bug", as to not overwhelm ourselves with a task we possibly wouldn't be able to complete. I did just that, and came across a bug that no one had claimed: The task did not seem too complicated, and I figured this would be a good chance for me to do some more web work. I left a comment showing I was interested in helping: To my surprise, our professor's attentive eye lead him my way! A few short minutes after, ...